That humongous warehouse building over at The Factory entertainment complex houses a heckuva lot of children's activities. But it wasn't built for kids. It was erected in 1966, less than two years after Athey moved to Wake Forest, to store on-site the kind of vehicles that require an equally humongous amount of space. In April '66, Athey began building 25-ton bottom dump truck trailers, which were 33 feet long and could carry 50,000 pounds. The following March, Athey began shipping those trucks to New Delhi, India on a $1 million contract. By 1972, the company had moved up to even larger, 100-ton carryalls like the one pictured above, which was used by a Florida contractor for hauling sand and gravel. In the photo are, from left, Buck Marshburn, Thomas E. Perry, Louis Hodge, Lanny Mitchell, Luther Harper, James Rogerson, Hoyt Brown, Nelson Ray, Jimmy Trent, Terry Kearney, Steve Bridges and Ray Beaman.
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